Listen to them.

They know it, they have seen it, the life most plainly. They nag you but not to tell how wrong you are but to let you know that you have time to change, don’t waste it.

Trembling bones, heavy breath and wobbly skin can only have a loving glance. No one can love you so much because they see you not as a person but as a life which they once had and time seems to tick for them.

They choose love over fear, calm over anxious, your one wrong deed doesn’t hurt them because they know the end and the way karma transcends.

Their loved ones might not be near but they be good friends with the ones near. Friends they wished they had when they were young and now realisation that they were the only friend of themselves.

They might be lonely but they will pick the fallen ones and give a shoulder because they know how it feels. They will speak their hearts out and we might term them crazy but how crazy are we within….

It’s the life you know, young and old are two facts well known ,

Life is beautiful live every moment to the heart’s core…☺️

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